Additional Information is posted on separate pages. These pages include 7th and 8th Grade Track and Field, Varsity Track and Field School Records and Personal Bests Lists, Wildcat Invitational, Indoor Track and Field, WAADA Championships and the TakeOff Memorial Race. Click on the "More" link at the top of the page.
For additional information and results for track and field championships and invitationals click on this link 苹果手机全局伋理软件下载
For additional information and results for events sponsored by the Westmoreland County Coaches Association click on this link WCCA
The purpose of the booster club shall be to provide a supportive environment and financial support to the Greater Latrobe Girls and Boys Track and Field Teams. The booster club will also encourage sportsmanship, social participation and etiquette among participants, members and families. This organization shall be non-profit, tax exempt (Section 501 (c) (3), non-sectarian, and non-partisan. This organization shall not seek to direct the activities of the coaches or to control their policies, either collectively or individually. This organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in promoting track and field, provided they make no financial nor manpower commitments which bind our members.
The booster club will sponsor a variety of fundraisers and operate the concession stand for all home dual meets, the Wildcat Invitational, the WCCA Track and Field Championships, and WAADA Track and Field Championships. The booster club will host our Senior Recognition Day party and End-of Season gatherings as well as other activities.
The booster club greatly appreciates the buyout donations and sponsorships received to date. Links to the forms are below.
Our Sponsors:
Commercial Bank and Trust of PA
Horner, Wible & Terek, PC
Innersight LLC
William Dickson Industries, Inc.
Mike Ament Construction, LLC
Donahue's Heating & Cooling
Unity Hauling, Inc.
宁愿因过早保持谨慎而少赚一笔,也胜过等危机 ...-荔枝网新闻:2021-8-3 · Andrew指出,苹果手机只有10年的历史,而 20年前互联网并未普及。这让人怀疑,科技股的投资者是否真的能够看清未来?又有多少人心甘情 愿为这些伋业长期盈利能力的乐观预期支付高价?
Bulava Insurance Services
D&R Sound Services
Lesco Federal Credit Union
Slovak Club
Hahey Chiropractic
Latrobe Dental Arts
Christopher Mucci, D.M.D.
Loopsey Boutique
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To be Announced. Thank you for your support of our fundraiser.
Miss the Informational Meeting? Here are the documents that were distributed. If you are a Junior High parent/athlete, please see the 7th and 8th Grade Track and Field page as well.
2023 Varsity and Junior High Contact Information
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2023 Sponsorship Fundraiser Option
2023 Concession Stand Schedule
Please consider giving up some of your time to help at the Concession Stand this season!
Update: All preseason conditioning workouts at Creekside Activity Center and strength training workouts at the high school have concluded.
The Athletic Office is no longer accepting PIAA Pysical Exam forms for spring sports.
Spirit wear orders will be through Dominic's Sports, 143 Hartman Road, Greensburg (across from Toyota).
(齐鲁晚报:2021-11-28 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准伍及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ...
Click on the link above. Click on the "Shop Spiritwear HERE". Click on the "More" dropdown menu. Click on "Greater Latrobe Track & Field".
Concession stand help signup will be made for the 2023 season as last season. The link to the website to signup to volunteer.
Timeless Expressions online order form.
Junior High: TBD
Order forms will be distributed in advance.
Tentative 2023 Schedule:
(Home meets are contested at Latrobe Memorial Stadium)
Mon., March 2, First Practice Date
Wed., March 18, 3:30 PM, at Connellsville Area
(Scrimmage) Canceled!
TBD Home vs Hempfield Area Postponed!
TBD Home vs Penn-Trafford Postponed!
Sat., April 4, TBD, Tri-State Track Coaches Association
(TSTCA) Championship, at West Mifflin
Tue., April 7, 4:00 PM, at Norwin Postponed!
苹果下架VPN 在遵守当地法律的情况下做生意 - 中国青年网 新闻:2021-8-4 · 日前,苹果公司CEO蒂姆库克回应苹果应用商店中国区将VPN下架一事说,我伊在遵守当地法律的情况下在当地开展生意。
(Memorial Stadium) Canceled!
Wed., April 15, 4:00 PM, at Greensburg Salem Postponed!
Thu., April 17, 12:15 PM, Butler Varsity Invitational
Tue., April 21, 4:00 PM, Home vs Indiana Area Postponed!
Senior Recognition Day!
Thu., April 23, TBD, at Norwin 9/10 Meet Postponed!
Sat., April 25, Westmoreland County Coaches Association (WCCA) Championships (Memorial Stadium). Postponed!
Tue., April 28, WPIAL Team Semifinals. Postponed!
Fri., May 1, Invitational, TBD.
Mon., May 4, at WPIAL Team Track and Field Championships
(Peters Township High School), TBD.
第6届中国私募金牛奖颁奖典礼暨高端论坛:2021-4-18 · 第6届中国私募金牛奖评选揭晓 4月18日,中国证券报社主办的第6届中国私募金牛奖颁奖典礼暨高端论坛在北京举行。本届奖项评选包括公司奖项和 ...
Thu., May 14, at WPIAL Individual Track and Field
第6届中国私募金牛奖颁奖典礼暨高端论坛:2021-4-18 · 第6届中国私募金牛奖评选揭晓 4月18日,中国证券报社主办的第6届中国私募金牛奖颁奖典礼暨高端论坛在北京举行。本届奖项评选包括公司奖项和 ...
Fri., May 22, PIAA Track and Field Finals (Shippensburg).
Sat., May 23, PIAA Track and Field Finals (Shippensburg).
Click HERE for Practice and Meet Schedule Calendar
(The schedule is subject to change.)
OUTDOOR SPRING TRACK PRACTICE UPDATES: At this time, practices are canceled until further notice.
Practices are after school usually at Rossi Field for track and jumping events; Rotary Park for throwing events. If the Rotary Park facilities are unusable, throwers will report to Memorial Stadium. Transportation arrangements will be made. Changes to these schedules will be updated here and text messages will be sent using Remind.
FOR TEXT MESSAGE UPDATES: Athletes should sign up for meet and practice time and location updates using:
REMIND Text Messaging at
GL Boys Varsity Track go to rmd.at/glboystf or text @glboystf to 81010.
GL Girls Varsity Track go to rmd.at/glgirlstf or text @glgirlstf to 81010.
GL Throwers (Varsity only) go to rmd.at/gltfthrows or text @gltfthrows to 81010.
Indoor Track & Field 19-20 go to rmd.at/coachmeha or text @coachmeha to 81010.